The Word, Widow

It was the phone call that I have received many times before. My husband took a turn for the worse and I needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. All the other times he came out of it smiling and stronger than ever. This time was different and I knew it. The next day my husband of 5 years passed away due to complications from Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL). That was the day I became a 37-year-old widow. A widow who had a 2 ½ year old son. A widow who was 11 weeks pregnant with twins. A widow who was born with a disability (though I rarely ever refer to my arm as a disability). A widow whose life changed that day. Widow, a word I was afraid of for 4 years.

My journey hasn’t been very easy, I have been challenged my entire life. However, this was a challenge I wasn’t ready for but had to accept. People say I’m strong but in those days and months surrounding his death I felt everything except strong. Strong wasn’t a word I would use to describe how I felt. I felt deflated, weak and scared. How was I going to get through this pregnancy without my rock, my love? How was I going to tell my son his daddy was never coming home? How was I going to do anything without him? Well, I will get into all of that in later posts. I did get through it and it made me much stronger. I realized after my twins were born that I had a story to share. A story that made me a widow who…

I am scared to death to write this blog, but I also know that I am meant to. I have been through a lot and through my writing I’m hoping I can inspire someone. I’ll be taking a somewhat hilarious take on the hot mess my life has become and how I navigate through it. I hope you stick with me through this journey, it’s going to be a wild ride!


  1. I LOVED reading this so very much. You're an inspiration!

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your husband, Allison. You are an amazing person!

  3. SO excited that this is the path that chose you and that you accepted! I know I'm not alone in being amazed by you over and over again, Allison, and I'm glad the rest of the world can be inspired by your spirit!

  4. Thank you so much for sharing your journey!


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